November Knees Up

A quick November blog to say hello and send best wishes to everyone as we continue to navigate this insidious virus and the complexities in has introduced to all of our lives. It is rare for me to be able to write about a subject matter in a blog that is understood globally. Unfortunately this is the case for Covid-19, it’s been a proper global catastrophe.

The opening up of society while living with the virus is certainly very challenging but thankfully for breakthrough infections, the vaccinated are fairing extraordinarily well. But it’s a real bummer to be double jabbed and to have to still have this rotten vulnerable feeling not to mind the 10 day isolation that must be endured should you be unlucky enough to catch the bug.

Stay safe is the best wish I can send you.

Let me introduce you to a decades old Mr. Right Knee. It took a special tour of Kilkee on October 1st. 2021 as it has spent many wonderful years wandering around the sublimely beautiful West Clare Atlantic coastline, swimming in its cold and invigorating salt water and cycling or walking the country lanes of the loop head peninsula. But alas this was to be it’s last visit in it’s original form

It’s past sporting endeavours had taken it’s toll and it was time for some medical intervention. On 1st. November it was replaced by the incredible Professor James Harty, a master orthopaedic surgeon transforming the lives of people with his renowned surgical skills. Forever thankful for the dedication of our medical teams and their excellence. Above are the Last Tour Pic, The Post-Op Pic and the Back at home on front of the TV pic, (A 48 hour turnaround, No general anaesthetic but a ‘right leg only’ epidural and a ‘relaxing’ jab just before the op. Hence the rapid recovery and discharge. The marvel of modern, advanced medicine.) and finally the new ‘Bionic’ knee pic’s compliments of my 6 week post-op visit to Professor James and me asking him, would you mind me taking a snap of the x-ray images from his computer screen. I can hear his thoughts.. WTF.

Post-Op is a struggle to be fair. The swelling of the knee makes exercising very painful but it’s got be done to keep the progress going. Planning is key when you arrive home from hospital. Have your meds handy for all hours as there is no kind nurse there to hand them to you in the middle of the night or call button when serious breakthrough pain occurs, and it will, be absolutely sure of this.

The progress continues well, with knee, shin and ankle swelling the main issue to contend with. Cryo Cuff / Ice work is a huge relief but elevation if the key for me especially after exercise. This will be a management issues and hopefully my first visit to a Physio this week will guide me further. Well, Physio is tough, very tough. Janet Altman is very good at her job, very good. My daughter did say to me that nobody really loves their Physio therapist. They have that knack of pushing you that little bit extra in order to get you back working order.

I’m nearing the end of post-surgery phase but still I’m VERY aware I’ve had a knee replaced. Their is still significant pain and very uncomfortable nights with very poor sleep.

I’ll report back in six months on Mr. Right Knee’s progress after a swim in Polly 3 in the beautiful Clare village of Kilkee. (See previous blog on the Pollock Holes )

Thanksgiving 2021 is on Thursday 25th. November

Thanksgiving 2021:

2021 has been the toughest of times. Sometimes, it can be hard to give thanks but having personally experienced the Public Health Service in Ireland through some very tough family experiences in the last few months and to see first hand the unbelievable effort, commitment that our front line workers in the health service are delivering under extremely pressurised conditions is something I, personally will give thanks for.

A rumored ‘special’ bank holiday may not materialise but, please take a moment in this month of remembrance and thanksgiving (see examples below) to send universal best wishes to the tireless work that so many people are giving in these unprecedented times. You, really have to see what is going on in our emergency departments to appreciate the incredible effort going on, unseen.




Holy Souls / All Souls

November – A time to be still

Cynthia Rylant, American Author wrote, In November, the trees are standing all sticks and bones. Without their leaves, how lovely they are, spreading their arms like dancers. They know it is time to be still.

After the gloriously warm active days of summer and just before the sparkling and joyous magic of December we have a pause to breath deeply, be still, watch the leaves fall, remember the fallen and for a brief moment to reflect. It is both a beautiful and painful month. It is our ‘Human’ month. Garry


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3 responses to “November Knees Up

  1. Elaine Benson

    Love it Dad! You are the best!

  2. Brian McGowan

    Hey there, great job Garry.

    I 100% agree with front line workers deserve a lot of praise and this winter I am sure their stress levels will be tested.

    Knee(S) up my friend, the road of physiotherapy is an important one, helping your body repair the best way it can. I’m sure you’ll want debut it in kilkee in the coming months so get cracking on recovery.

    Take care.


  3. Pingback: “Christmas caught me crying” | findmywhy

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